AoiGensou (degrees) wrote in fandomsecrets,


We interrupt the racism wank for a special request.

Fandom!Secrets has been around for... a... while now (too lazy to go check when we started *dies*), and we still don't have an icon. So. Does someone want to make one for us? Or multiple someones?

PS! Remember way back when, when grayout posted a poll about whether or not RP secrets should get their own community? The poll is now closed, and RP secrets are staying. Thanks/sorry, whatever the case may be!

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  • [ Panfandom Rec Meme ]

    People wanted another one, so... PANFANDOM REC MEME "I ship it!" "I want fic!" "I want art!" "I don't care what it is, but I want it!" "Where's…

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